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How dare you call Barack Garth Brooks Obama anti-gun just because he’s, you know, anti-gun!

But he does have the endorsement of a fake pro-gun group that was set up for the sole purpose of endorsing him or any other person with a D after their name.

Sportsmen for Obama!

3 Responses to “Smear?”

  1. ben Says:

    Like, what exactly is “assault ammunition”?

  2. ben Says:

    Say, look here, that guy is a lying sack of shit. 1994, Mexico suffers 9000 shooting homicides, compare with USA in 1999 and 10000 shooting homicides.

    But Mexico has a population of only 90 million, compared with almost 300 million in the US. Their firearm homicide rate is nearly 10 for every 100k people. That’s almost three times the rate in the USA.

    Actually, we do catch up to Mexico in terms of “violent firearm death” because Americans are much more likely to kill themselves. I blame our lack of siestas.

  3. Bruce Says:

    “Assault ammunition” is anything that doesn’t bounce off the cardboard your target’s stapled to.

    Any more questions?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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