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Heller write up

In the AP:

The guns case — including Washington, D.C.’s ban on handguns — is widely expected to be a victory for supporters of gun rights. Top officials of a national gun control organization said this week that they expect the handgun ban to be struck down, but they are hopeful other gun regulations will survive.

6 Responses to “Heller write up”

  1. Sailorcurt Says:

    I thought we were boycotting the AP.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    We are?

  3. Sailorcurt Says:

    Sorry, I thought it was you who linked to this yesterday.

    I read so many blogs I have a hard time remembering where I saw what sometimes.

    My bad.

  4. Sailorcurt Says:

    OK, I still can’t find the blog that I originally found this through.

    The basic gist of it was that, even in backing off of their takedown letters, the AP announced that they would be establishing “guidelines” for use of their material.

    I thought guidelines for that were already established…sometimes known as “copyright” and “fair use” laws.

    It’s that whole “authorized media” trying to tell bloggers what to do that has stuck in the craw of many. Just who the Frack do they think they are?

    Anyway, sorry again for the case of mistaken identity.

  5. retro Says:

    or just google “boycott AP” for more…

  6. Sailorcurt Says:

    Did you pay the $25 fee to the AP for that quote?

    Just wondering.

    Pretty ridiculous huh?

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