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Red’s and the man (again)

First, Red’s Trading Post was being investigated for errors in firearms transactions. Said investigation was, well, dubious at best and what we’ve come to expect from ATF. Now, they’ve gone and had the audacity to own land where a future city hall needs to be.

This is amusing:

City officials say the deal is legal, though they acknowledge that they had to work around state law that bars urban renewal board members from benefiting from the projects they oversee.

Because laws are for little people.

3 Responses to “Red’s and the man (again)”

  1. Alan Says:

    I can’t help but wonder if the ATF was actually trying to drive them out of business for the new city hall.

    It wouldn’t be the first time legal shenanigans were used to coerce uncooperative property owners to go away.

  2. Weisenheimer Brainstorm Says:

    Why didn’t the city claim eminent domain and seize the property outright? After all, they have the blessing of the Supremes on their side.

  3. Rob K Says:

    I don’t think Ryan’s getting shafted in the deal. Check out his Blogger profile.

    He’s connected in that town.

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