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Mayor Against Guns Raided

In Baltimore:

Investigators with the Maryland state prosecutor’s office, who have been probing Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon’s financial dealings during her tenure as City Council president, searched her home yesterday for more than seven hours.

She’s a member of Mayors Against Guns and hosted one of their events.

4 Responses to “Mayor Against Guns Raided”

  1. Lyle Says:

    I’ve said for years that an anti-gun stance and official corruption go hand-in-hand. This is but a small paragraph in the look book full of cases in point. Any tough, investigative journalist who wants a good story from which to blow the lid would do well to remember that. Just put on your body armor first.

  2. Michael Hawkins Says:

    As much as I share your emotions, you’re not being a better man than the brady campaign, who loves to mention how a gang member pushing drugs happened to be in posession of a CCW permit.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    it might be similar if said gang member were, say, a prominent gun rights activist.

  4. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Ah Shelia…I’ve actually gotten to know her a bit thanks to my efforts here in Baltimore and can tell ya she probably legitimately is a nice person who did want to help folks trying to clean this shithole city up.

    That said…if she ever had an original thought, it’s news to me. I’ve talked to her about the gun issue and can assure you she knows as much about the issue as Jessica Simpson knows about rejetting a Holley four barrel. She’s just regurgitating Bloomie’s shyte cause she doesn’t know better.

    Fun fact: when the showed the pix of the raid on her house, the State Trooper they showed standing watch was the guy who fingerprinted me for my CCW application. Cool guy actually, totally pro-CCW rights.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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