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Seen at David’s:

Sullivan added that most licensed gun dealers are law-abiding and that, to be fair, ATF needs to apply the rules more uniformly across the country.

Well, you guys do in fact uniformly ignore the courts. And you uniformly prefer to go after clerical errors instead of real gun crime. Consistently bad is still consistent.

2 Responses to “Uniformity”

  1. bob r Says:

    Consistently bad is still consistent.

    More importantly: it is still bad.

  2. Chas Says:

    Special Agent Ben Arnold sez: “Once you’ve almost had your ass shot off by gangbangers in the stifling heat and urine-soaked stench of one of those horrible, public housing projects, going after clerical errors in the comfort of a nice, safe, clean, air-conditioned gun shop seems like a really, really good idea. Getting killed would really make it hard to collect my paycheck, and would really interfere with my retirement plans too. Besides, I can’t see my gun sights too well anymore with these bifocals, but they work real well for reading 4473 forms. ‘Yes’ is okay; ‘Y’ is willful noncompliance and grounds for revocation – not too hard to remember, though I do keep it written down for when I forget. As we say at the Bureau, it sure beats working for a living!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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