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For the children

Ya know, I’m not surprised when some nitwit thinks banning handguns is a good idea. I am surprised, however, when such a nitwit is in my state:

Current laws on possession of handguns by juveniles are fine and appear to be enforced, from my vantage point in Juvenile Court. But as we all know, handguns continue to be available to Nashville kids. Something more needs to be done.

The current laws are not curing the problem. They are a Band-Aid. Kids are still carrying handguns, still being charged with robberies using handguns, and kids are still being injured by handguns.

The most practical and effective method for handgun control is also the easiest to describe: Ban handguns.

Couple things: I don’t think you know what practical or effective means. I’d also lay 5:1 you couldn’t tell me what current gun laws are.

6 Responses to “For the children”

  1. Bruce Says:

    She left out the crucial Step 2.

    Load up a squadron of cropdusters with Magic Gun Disappearing Pixie Dust and blanket the globe.

  2. Ron W Says:

    And how would this Robinson guy’s handgun ban be enforced? Oh, by guns, of course.

  3. chris Says:

    how about banning kids?

    or heres a thought… start locking people up… 20 years mandatory for ANY gang related incident… you have gang tats and you get caught shoplifting a kleenex… bam 20 years… i bet that would stop street violence…

  4. Guav Says:

    People who say things like have not really thought their suggestion through. They stopped thinking at the stage where their brain tells them “If there are no handguns, people cannot use them to commit crimes” and never considered their proposition long enough to realize that merely making something illegal does not actually cause it to disappear into a puff of smoke.

  5. Cactus Jack Says:

    “The most practical and effective method for handgun control is also the easiest to describe: Ban handguns”

    That’s sure done a great job on doing away with them in D.C. and Chicago aint it?

    Guav Says:

    June 23rd, 2008 at 6:46 pm
    People who say things like have not really thought their suggestion through. They stopped thinking at the stage where their brain tells them “If there are no handguns, people cannot use them to commit crimes” and never considered their proposition long enough to realize that merely making something illegal does not actually cause it to disappear into a puff of smoke.

    It’s obvious that the antis, in their wishful thinking, believe that.

  6. CaptainAttila Says:

    I know, if banning handguns doesn’t stop the little darlings, we could try banning the behavior we don’t like. that way, they’d have clear boundaries set, and know what was acceptable and what wasn’t. That ought to work at least as well, don’t you think?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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