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The pun I wish I’d thought of

And Heller Followed With Him

I think we should have shirts made for Alan Gura that say that.

5 Responses to “The pun I wish I’d thought of”

  1. Boyd Says:

    I’m feeling a little dense today, I’m not picking up on the pun.

  2. Mikee Says:

    How about, “Heller Comes To Frogtown,” for those Roddy Piper fans out there?

  3. nk Says:

    Mr. Gura is also counsel on the Chicago lawsuit, for anyone who did not already know that.

    Boyd it’s the Fourth Rider, the one on a pale horse, in the Apocalypse. (There used to be five but one left the group before it became famous.)

  4. John Hardin Says:

    nk: was the fifth rider of the apocalypse Apathy?

  5. nk Says:

    Just a Beatles joke, John. And not even mine. A favorite humor/fantasy writer’s.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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