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Already Trying to Buy Guns

In DC, after Heller, residents are trying to get guns:

Gun shops in suburban Maryland and Virginia felt an immediate impact from the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Thursday that the District’s handgun ban is unconstitutional. City leaders said it would take about three weeks to iron out the details: Which kinds of guns will be legal, and how will the registration process work?

Someone will have to do something about that whole handgun sales to out of state people law, though.

3 Responses to “Already Trying to Buy Guns”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    We have that fisking NICS check now. If it’s worth anything, it ought to be able to do a nation wide background check, since it was designed to be a nationwide background check.

    Since we’re rolling with Heller, since a major Presidential Candidate now feels he needs to lie about his past support of gun control, now may be the perfect time to slip a little something into the next “must pass” “fast track” appropriations bill.

    I mean, if they can past the perpetual PATRIOT ACT while everyone is in shock over 9/11….

  2. ATLien Says:

    well, yeah. the “N” in NICS stands for NATIONAL. And i don’t know if the law you’re talking about could count for DC residents, cause they’re technically not in a state to go out of state to buy their weapons.

  3. bob r Says:

    Which kinds of guns will be legal, and how will the registration process work?

    Until “they” pass a “law” making some guns “illegal” and requiring registration, it would appear that at the present moment that _all_ guns are “legal” and that no registration would be necessary.

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