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A robbery with a gun in New Jersey:

Bloods member Grant Fleming, 21, was shot in the chest three times after he sneaked up behind a man walking into his Jersey Street apartment with a bag of groceries.

The targeted victim grabbed Fleming’s gun and opened fire.

Update: Unpossibler: In the bag, police found a TEC-9 semiautomatic handgun with 19 rounds in the magazine, Traina said. The weapon holds about 30 rounds, he added.

Tec-9s are banned in Jersey!

5 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Ahab Says:

    Good for him for fighting back.

  2. Turk Turon Says:

    I like this part:

    Grant [the perp] is the brother of Rudy Fleming, who is serving life without parole for the Jan. 27, 2005, slaying of Nicole DuFresne, who had asked him after a Lower East Side robbery: “You got what you wanted. What are you going to do now, shoot us?”

    Poetic justice! “Yeah, m****f****, I think I WILL shoot you!”

  3. Robert Says:


    Will that be paper or plastic?

  4. ka Says:

    I am just sure this was totally unpossible. Only criminals can take away a gun and use it against someone. And why didn’t the police charge the man for illegal possession of a firearm? As soon as he took it away from the gangbanger he was in violation of the law.

  5. Jeff Says:

    I agree with ka. Only perps can take guns away from the victims. The other way around just can’t happen. And besides, someone without police training just can’t use a handgun effectively.

    This must just be propoganda from the far right media.

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