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No, the other kind.

A couple of women gun bloggers have learned that, despite my general opposition, wearing more clothing to the range is a good idea. Ouch and ouch.

4 Responses to “Cover”

  1. Vote For David Says:

    Advance note: I am a bad person for thinking this (depending on whom you ask)

    You see? And now she’s hurt because she *wouldn’t listen*

    sorry, ghosts from my past whispering in my ear again. I insist on proper (flesh) cover for everyone I take shooting; I’m sure we all know why by now.

  2. HardCorps Says:

    I use the concept of epic nudity to help scare away criminals.

  3. ben Says:

    Every time, without fail, when I go to the range there are at least two women showing cleavage and you can see the hot casing vortex surrounding said cleavage. I get a chuckle out of that. Except that hot brass between the bosoms doesn’t make for safe gun handling.

  4. Roberta X Says:

    Speaking as someone who had to wear contact lenses under her respirator in a mid-level hazmat situation (this is a huge no-no; wasn’t time to get the proper sort of glasses, so I simply had to endure), I can assure you that it is possible, though no damn fun at all, to defer the yelping and flailing-about until such time as it is safe. One engages the safety, sets down the Ruger Mk. II making certain it is pointed downrange, steps back from the line, and commences to shriek and claw down between one’s boobs while onlookers try not to snigger visibly.

    I have a lovely tau-shaped scar right at the bra band level to prove it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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