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Prosecutorial Discretion

Good: A third-grade teacher arrested for taking a gun onto school property was set for trial today, but prosecutors dropped all charges.

5 Responses to “Prosecutorial Discretion”

  1. ka Says:

    Well good for her that she isn’t going to jail. Now if that could just be true for all CW holders who take their weapons to school. In Oklahoma it is a felony and I can assure you she would have been tried.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    It’s nice to see that, every once in a while, portions of the executive branch recognize that they don’t have to enforce every law, every time it comes up.

    Granted, I still can’t get my leftie co-workers to understand that, from the police to the President, part of that branches role is to not enforce unjust, unconstitutional, or outdated laws.

    “Determining How to Apply the Law”
    1: “how are we going to apply this one”
    2: “we aren’t.”

  3. Sulaco Says:

    Still bad gun handling and poor excuses…the gun fell out of her bag on a school grounds and was found by a third person! Had it been a kid… it went away though..

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Can’t really be too sympathetic to her as she did a dangerous and foolish thing. I am glad she wasn’t jailed. However, she shouldn’t be armed if she can’t keep up with the arm.

    The venue being school grounds has nothing to do with my opinion. I think gun free school zones are an obscenity.

  5. Rob K Says:

    I really hate the idea of prosecutorial discretion. If a law requires discretion on the part of those responsible for enforcing it, I think that’s a pretty good sign it’s an unjust law and should be repealed. Punish people for acts which are inherently wrong and quit with the prior restraint.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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