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In Michigan, the onerous safety inspections of handguns are about to be history.

4 Responses to “Good”

  1. karrde Says:

    Makes things better.

    Now, can we get rid of that “License to Purchase a pistol” thing?

  2. karrde Says:


    That is, the Michigan LtP…which for some reason applies to pistols, but not to long-guns…

  3. Ish Says:

    Karrde, handguns are dangerous killers of small children, unicorns, and fuzzy bunnies. Longarms are harmless… unless they aren’t long enough, are too loud, too quiet, or fire too quickly. It all makes perfect sense.

  4. James Nelson Says:

    It is a nice little step, but the armchair commandos are already having fits because it doesn’t go far enough. There is a guy posting on THR who is claiming that it is a step backward. If some of these “experts would get a little involved in the process, maybe they’d get what they want.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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