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Way to go

This guy is an asshat.

5 Responses to “Way to go”

  1. Justin Buist Says:

    Looks staged to me.

  2. Robert Says:

    Looks a little staged but maybe not. I didn’t get the impression it was made by the guy who is blogging, but who knows.

    Lovely couple. Sweet mysteries of life.

  3. nk Says:

    No. I definitely did not make it. The h/t is at the bottom of the post. The thing that keeps me from thinking that this is staged is that if the lady is that good an actress she would have a shelf full of Oscars and a much better-looking POSSLQ.

    And thank you for the link, Uncle.

  4. bob r Says:

    if that was staged, she’s a pretty good actor.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    My wife would definitely shoot me. And i would deserve it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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