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Road Rage

This story was relayed to me by my wife. It was relayed to her by my mother in law, who apparently could not stop laughing while telling the story.

The grandparents (Mommo and Daddo) and kids pull up to a red light. The light turns green. The car in front of them does not go. Daddo waits a bit then honks the horn to let the guy in front know he should pay attention. After Daddo honks the horn, The Second says Beep beep. Junior says When that happens in Daddy’s car, he says fuck and damn.

Careful what you say and when you say it.

10 Responses to “Road Rage”

  1. Dad Says:

    That brings a tear to my eye, Son, you are a chip off the ol block.

  2. Eagle 1 Says:

    Everything you say can and will be used against you…….

  3. Mikee Says:

    I recall having to discipline myself into saying “BOAT!” when I stubbed a toe, after saying “SHI-!” too oftten around my tyke. He started pointing at things and saying “SHI-!” just for attention….until I stopped being such a bad example.

    Now he is 18, about to go off to college, and he still cusses less than I do. At least around me.

  4. Michael Silence Says:

    Sorry, Unc, but that won’t make page one.

  5. Jay G. Says:


    Oh, man…

    I think I’ve related this story before, but what the hell…

    While driving down I-95 to visit some friends in the metro-DC area, some inattentive moron decided to merge into our lane while we were still in it.

    I stomped on the brakes and cut hard into the right lane; it happened so quickly I didn’t even have time to swear.

    From the backseat, my (at the time) 4 year old son pipes up with “Honk the horn at that idiot, daddy!”.

    It took me a full minute to regain my composure after that…

  6. straightarrow Says:

    a similar experience to Jay G’s happened to me when my four year old son was with me. He looked at me and said “He’s a sonofabitch, isn’t he,Daddy?”

    Man, they will invariably make you aware of your shortcomings, and everyone else too.

  7. thirdpower Says:

    My sister was (attempting to) assemble a set of shelves. When she emptied out the box on the floor, my 3yr old niece looked at the pieces and said “That f*ckin’ thing will never work”.

  8. johnmxl Says:

    “It’s green, jerk!”

    Wish they listened as well to things we intentionally tell them…maybe they only hear when we talk around them, not when we talk TO them.

  9. bwm Says:

    My only son (3.5 years old) on the trip home today:

    “Fuck car is in the way” – as I start to get angry about the guy going 65 in the left lane.

    Wife glares, I sigh and hang my head.

  10. Sarah Says:

    The mimicking thing goes on while they’re little, but if you’re doing the same stuff that you’re telling your kids not to do, at some point they’re going to see you as an object of contempt. My dad would curse a blue streak at the slightest provocation, but when he got after me for cursing, it was one of the few times I totally lost respect for him.

    If you don’t do what you say, you’re going to have to work that much harder to convince your kids that everything else you tell them isn’t just hot air.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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