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Lost their MoJo

Regarding the NRA spy story, I said before:

I think they’re upset that, frankly, this story has almost zero traction. I think they thought it was gonna blow the lid off NRA or some such nonsense. To their surprise, most folks don’t care.

Bitter confirms what I said.

One Response to “Lost their MoJo”

  1. Bitter Says:

    To be fair, it did get traction. The AP and just about every major national outlet picked it up, along with several local outlets. However, it didn’t get traction for them. That’s why I think they kept trying so hard to come up with new angles, hoping they would get a boost from it. Instead, everyone else just talked about it, but no one went through to read MoJo.

    Like I said, it’s actually a little sad in terms of the signal it sends to investigative reporting. On the other hand, it’s MoJo, so I’m not exactly shedding tears over it.

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