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Al Gore’s Internets Are Broken

All weekend sans the web since Charter is boogered. Seems it’s boogered statewide. So, no blog for you.

Blogged from my crackberry.

3 Responses to “Al Gore’s Internets Are Broken”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Well, if you were blogging from the ‘berry, then you pro’lly couldn’t surf, so the ‘linky’, would be less….. Soooo perhaps more ‘thinky’??

    Come on – tells usss hows you feeeel about the oooOoolympuks….

    (and every time I hear ‘blackberry’, I think ‘dingleberry’.)

  2. Linoge Says:

    Charter == Evil.

    Comcast == …. Less evil.

  3. blounttruth Says:

    My 10MB connection was running all weekend at 216K, now that is a drop in service, wonder if they’ll go ahead and prorate it for us???

    Curious if anyone the uses Alcoa Utilities saw a HUGE increase in their electric bill from July? My bill was $100.00 more than the highest we have ever paid, and in June we changed all of our bulbs to 40 watt, cut the hot water heater down around 135 degrees, per the TVA energy saving program. So the month we make things more efficient our bill is the highest since we purchased the house, anyone else??

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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