One of my granddaughters is in pre-K. She has had two formal reprimands sent home for acting just like a four-year old. Of course, she is a four year-old.
One was for the unpardonable sin of laughing at her teacher. I tried to talk my daughter out of sending her. There is plenty of time for assholes to try to turn her into a little automaton, she didn’t need to give them early opportunity.
August 20th, 2008 at 7:26 pm
One of my granddaughters is in pre-K. She has had two formal reprimands sent home for acting just like a four-year old. Of course, she is a four year-old.
One was for the unpardonable sin of laughing at her teacher. I tried to talk my daughter out of sending her. There is plenty of time for assholes to try to turn her into a little automaton, she didn’t need to give them early opportunity.