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I have not been watching the Democrat convention

For the same reason I won’t watch the Republican one: Same shit, different four years*.

But Dr. Helen has:

I have been watching the Democratic convention and laughing my ass off, frankly at some of the hilarity.

Sounds painful.

Meanwhile, R. Neal from Knoxviews is live at the scene covering all the HopeCangetm!

Reports of riots. I hear that’s a side effect when exposed to too much HopeCangetm.

* say, one thing is different. No one is promising Free Healthcare For Everybodytm. What’s up with that?

7 Responses to “I have not been watching the Democrat convention”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    Free Healthcare For Everybody® is owned by Hillary. She has been made into an un-person by Obambi.

  2. ben Says:

    Kennedy didn’t promise it, but he sure said he wanted it.

  3. Billy Beck Says:

    The Runt of The Kennedy Litter was all over it last night.

  4. sadcox Says:

    What happened? Did the dems figure out that their buddies who run the unions have an interest in keeping health care tied to employment and union membership?

  5. rightwingprof Says:

    I was supposed to blog the GOP convention, but it’s way to expensive. I’ll have to be happy with seeing McCain (and the VP pick?) Saturday in Washington, PA.

  6. chrisb Says:

    Meh, I am boycotting the Donks. Their incessant stupidity makes me want to poke out my ears when I hear to much of it.

  7. mike hollihan Says:

    That is odd, as *both* Clinton and Obama explicitly talked about making universal health care a priority as president. Of course, that was during the primaries and the convention is the election, so maybe that’s the difference.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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