Archive for August, 2008

August 21, 2008

Gun blog aggregator

Another at Firearms Blogs.

August 20, 2008


So, John McCain and Barack Bikini Inspector Obama are set to name their VP picks. Soon. Maybe today. Or in a month. All eyes are on the race. Actually, not really. No one but pundits seem to care. For Obama, there is good news: it won’t be Biden. Which is good and may mark the third time I’ve agreed with metulj.

I’ve said before I’ll probably vote for McCain’s veep pick but he’ll probably screw that up too.

Who do you think they’ll choose?

Update: See what I mean?

NJ Police to get spray-firing bullet hoses

Be alarmed, they have HKs:

Cops In Sleepy N.J. Towns Stockpiling Firepower

Across Crimeless Parts Of Bergen County Police Departments Are Loading Up On Assault Rifles, But Why?

Err, so they can shoot back?

Are you scared? I hear those bullet hoses make killers out of mortal men!

In other news, UMPs?

Knoxviews’ big adventure

R. Neal is heading to Denver for some blog coverage of DemCon.

Wally World

Les buys a gun at Wal-Mart.

It occurred to me about a month ago that our new Wal-Mart doesn’t sell guns.

But gun shows and assault weapons!!!!!!11!!one!!

FBI looks at police shooting stats. Highlights:

Handguns mostly.

No gun came from a gun show.

Seems they take whatever is available and only one reported a weapon of choice.

Point shooters.


Must require a heavy gun

A kit to convert your gun to a boat anchor.

I have several of these conversion kits myself. They’re good on tool boxes.

those evil gun shows

John Rosenthal:

Gun Shows are the equivalent of al Qaeda terrorists walking right onto the airplane while law abiding citizens wait in the TSA line!

Gad, the hyberbole! He would know since he has admitted using the alleged gun show loophole along with an anti-gun reporter to engage in a straw purchase. And said reporter was investigated by ATF for it. Of course, there is the fact the dealer didn’t back up their story.

I dunno, I liked John better when he was a director for an anti-gun group. As a free agent, he’s kind of a hysterical twit.

Weerdbeard has more.


You see, most of us would have realized it was a scam and thrown it in the trash when we opened it. But not Rich Hailey, who gets to the bottom of how the scam works. Interestingly, it seems the dealer got scammed too.

Three guns

Kim has more suggestions for survival guns on a budget.

My opinion is basically to forgo the shotgun altogether. You’re typically not going to want to carry two long guns in a Just In Case scenario. I’d probably advise spending $150-200 on a used SKS. Then another $150-200 on a decent used revolver, such as a Charter or Taurus. YMMV.

Won’t help the swing states

But Obama finally stands up for a gun owner.

The banned played on

Marko’s Prohibition Axiom:

Conservatives and Liberals alike will understand that prohibitions don’t work…whenever someone proposes to ban something they like to own, consume, or do.
Conservatives and Liberals alike will claim that prohibitions do work…whenever someone proposes to ban something they don’t like others to own, consume, or do.

I thought trees ate kites

Failure to plan.

Flame wars

Rachel has the top ten things that cause them on the internets. She left off AK v. AR and 1911 v. GLOCK.

Security theater

The TSA at work. And more incompetence.

Update: It’s a TSA incompetence trifecta!!!!

Can you tell I’m looking forward to flying tomorrow?


I dunno what a butt fight is but Aunt B. is in the Nashville Dog Trainer. As are some other bloggers you may have heard of.

No rail for EOTech?

Gun mug.

Pre-K Failure

What did you expect from state-funded daycare?

August 19, 2008

Hanging My Head

There comes a time in every man’s life, I think, when he must look back upon his home town, and be deeply ashamed.

Their own game

That’s brilliant.

This whole mole at NRA thing can be used against CeaseFire PA. Think they’d drop it knowing that dirty laundry about their homophobic, bigoted board member who advocated violence could come to light?

Guess they knew I was coming

Virginia no longer honors Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit? Well, crap. I’m spending Thursday night there.

Where’d the automatics go?

In Mexico, worst weekend of violence this year.

David says: It’s the gun’s fault, and not just any gun, but evil “semiautomatics.”

That’s kinda odd since just last week it was automatic weapons and ammunition are flowing virtually unchecked from border states into Mexico.

Abuse of power

Seems that our state troopers were doing background checks on political rivals of the powers that be.

The intimidation files.

Terry names names.

Journalists on the list?

Chicks and guns

Breda is digging the 1911.


That’s one mean obituary.

God is everywhere and his messengers are in my radio

On occasion, I listen to the local morning talk radio. Sometimes, it’s entertaining and has some quality stuff. Other times, it reminds me my neighbors can be a little preachy. This morning’s topic was Barack I like the Sprite in you Obama’s position on abortion. Full disclosure: it’s an issue that I happen to agree with him on except for that whole part about believing in Roe v. Wade (whatever that means).

Anyhoo, first caller I heard said, and I am not making this up, that Obama was sent to run for president by God to punish us for our government losing its way with respect to using God’s law.

Second caller (we get back to back God Squad call ins today) basically gave another sermon about getting God back in our government and how God founded our government. I shit you not.

Third caller (the God Squad Trifecta!) said something about how people always say abortion is between her and her God but that was bogus because, ya know, God didn’t say it was OK to have an abortion.

Update: After that, I couldn’t listen anymore. It was kinda like an alert went out that they were talking abortion and everyone was told: Quick! To the God phone!

Lauer Gun Porn

The Bloomberg Collection!

And he was in Tremors with Kevin Bacon

Attempts to tie the anti-gun mole story to McCain.

Gun Porn

GSG-5 in SBR flava.

Quote of the day

Jim W. on Detroit families moving their dead out of cemeteries:

Aren’t the dead an important democratic constituency, especially in the big cities?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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