Archive for August, 2008

August 13, 2008

Gun control: what you do instead of something

In Philly and Baltimore, they have passed (or are passing) laws that make it a crime not to report that a gun has been stolen.

These stupid laws do nothing but make life harder for law-abiding gun owners. They will not prevent a theft, increase the efficiency of tracking down a stolen gun, or, frankly, accomplish anything other than punishing people for gun ownership.

Obama’s record on guns

There’s a blog dedicated to it. Via David.

And don’t forget Sportsmen for Obama.

Lost their MoJo

Regarding the NRA spy story, I said before:

I think they’re upset that, frankly, this story has almost zero traction. I think they thought it was gonna blow the lid off NRA or some such nonsense. To their surprise, most folks don’t care.

Bitter confirms what I said.

The Web in Ten Years

Interesting video on what life on the Web will be like 10 years from now. Two big disappointments:

I looks like the future will hold more Macs

And I was kinda hoping for the glove/headset/eye goggles gizmo that Keanu Reeves had in Johnny Mnemonic.


NRABlog has posted an interesting profile of Robert Langham of Blackfork Blog.

interesting find

Unexploded civil war ordnance found in Farragut.

Quote of the day

Rusty on how Olympic coverage led to a spike in air rifle sales:

Just imagine how it would be if our media portrayed shooting as a sport, instead of a sin.

A recurring theme

Democrats and guns: They’re not getting it.

Well, I sort of agree. Their national leaders are not and have not gotten it. But that’s because their top leadership is from large urban areas and have, quite frankly, been party leaders for far too long. At least Republicans have a higher turnover rate. However, quite a few of the new crop of Democrats do get it, evidenced by this bit at the Politico.

When the old democrats finally go away, I don’t think guns will be such a hot button issue and the party as a whole may show signs of getting it rather than just getting it in certain demographic areas.

August 12, 2008

Speaking of bears

You should wear a bell. And some pepper spray. And probably a rape whistle or some other equally useless contraption.

Via Radley.

Only Ones

Never was a fan of the meme myself though I did understand the reasoning behind it.

But Ahab is apparently going to start a series highlighting the good done by police officers, obviously as a counter to David’s bit highlighting their less than stellar moments.

There’s a fine line with this one, folks. It’s very difficult to be critical of police action and not be assumed to be anti-police. For instance, the casual reader here or someone coming from a link to a post in which I point out shooting dogs or invalid warrants will assume I’m anti-police. I’m not. I like the police and think that the vast, vast majority are fine folks. Heck, my Dad has been an officer of the law (at the federal and local levels) since the early 1980s and only recently left. However, in some cities there is a thriving culture of corruption and, though it’s the minority, gives the police a bad name. If we’re critical of the bad and complimentary of the good, maybe we can get the vast majority to crack down on the few who give the rest a bad name.

Did not know that

In other news, we have a SWAT Team?

I knew they bought some ninja-mobile a bit back with their free federal money and all that.

Speaking of parks

Campfield’s post reminds me of an old joke:

A Republican looks at a Libertarian and says If you had your way, people would be allowed to drink and have sex in public parks.

Libertarian says: Public parks?

Guns in parks

Remember, you’re just a paranoid redneck to think you might need a gun where, you know, there’s large critters.

Via Rep. Stacey Campfield who notes Parks were designed so people could experience nature in a positive way. Not be eaten by it.

Hey, you got my state in his church!

Wall of separation, indeed.

Reasoned Discourse

Note the lack of a trademark.

Why we win.

Rules 2 & 3

In India: Policeman shoots teacher while giving revolver lessons to students.

Kennedy on Heller

Seems Justice Kennedy continues to impress on gun rights. And he was the one we were worried about.


A blog by a Scot who lives in West Virginia and is shooting in the olympics. Cool.

Lautenberg Amendment

Eugene Volokh notes a recent post-Heller case doesn’t quite cut it. Seems the court took a rather broad interpretation of the term exhaustive without analyzing how someone convicted of a misdemeanor would be prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Update: David Hardy has more.

Some guys have none of the luck

ColtCCO has another handgun carry permit issue.

At least this one doesn’t involve tasting concrete, like the last one.

Shooting the dog

Not funny but funny.

August 11, 2008


Testing the crackberry.

Chicks and guns

Breda scores a twofer. With pics.

Once more, with feeling

Looks like the LA Times is the latest to perpetuate the automatic weapons and ammunition are flowing virtually unchecked from border states into Mexico lie. This canard has been debunked many times (here’s one).

Meanwhile, Sebastian notes: This narrative has been repeated in so many papers, presented in the exact same manner, you almost have to believe they are using a template of some sort.

You know what would stop the flow of weapons in? Border control.

Meanwhile, Mexican army crosses the border and points weapons at our border patrol due to a momentary misunderstanding as to the exact location of the U.S.-Mexican border.

Must be the tequila talking.


I hate it. Can’t stand it. Tastes awful. I do, however, average about one shot per year. And this post is about that shot.

I would say Tequila tastes like hagfish slime except that we now know that tastes like eggs.

What kills me, though, is that no matter how much I tell people that I absolutely hate tequila with the fiber of my being, they still tell me that I just haven’t had good tequila yet. Invariably, I have a conversation with someone that goes like this:

Them: Oh, you’ll like this tequila it’s so smooth (Ed Note: it is usually Patrón).

Me: No, I just don’t care for tequila.

Them: No, this stuff is like $200 per bottle (Ed note: that may be wrong but is from memory but it puts at about $3.38 per ounce). Really, it’s smooth. You’ll like it!

Me: No, I won’t. I promise. You can save your $3.38. Smooth crap is still crap, it just came from a blender.

Them: Try it.

Me: No thanks. Really. You chase it with a lime for a reason, ya know. To get the taste of ass out of your mouth.

Them: Haha. No, you’ll like this. Try it. (repeat this about five times before I finally cave)

Me: Ok, but I won’t like it. (I usually cave realizing that, though it’s going to suck ass, this conversation will continue for the next two hours if I do not do a shot). And don’t act hurt when I tell you that I don’t like it.

Here’s where I take a shot, eat a lime real fast, and make the face of a man who just ate turds.

Them: You like it?

Me: No. I told you I wouldn’t. It tastes like tequila, which happens to taste like shit.

Them: You just don’t know good tequila.

Me: Oh, I know it. That was it. And it still tastes like moldy balls.

Them: You’re just uncooth.

Me: No, I just don’t like tequila. I tried to tell so you could save your $3.38.

I tried lying once stating that I did like it. But that was no good because they wanted me to do another shot. Ick.

So, World, please stop asking me to try your tequila.

More gun porn

1943 Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1

For the children

We must ban assault toothpaste.


The AR-57 is an upper you put on your AR-15 so that you can fire5.7X28 ammo and use FN P90 50 round mags. Bonus cool points: Shells eject through the mag-well so a rubber band and a Crown Royal bag would make a fine brass catcher.

Discussion at

Speaking of Democrats

I’d like to thank them for helping me complete a conversion. I mentioned a bit back that I was creating a gun nut. And it was pretty easy because the Democrats wanted to ban things so he simply knew he was going to get some. Then we took a range trip.

Well, I am happy to report that in the last two weeks, he has purchased a Marlin 22, another Glock, and, yesterday, we went to the gun show where he bought an AR-15.

So, thanks, Democrats. Your anti-gun platform makes my job easier.

Just when I thought the Democrats were getting it

They stay stupid with their official platform. It’s just like 2004 when they said we support the right to own guns except, you know, when it comes to actually owning guns that are the most popular sporting rifle in the country.

Update: Over at DU comes this quote:

Interesting the folks in Cheyenne apparently have a different set of rights than people in Chicago.

I guess they never heard of the densely populated area exception to the second amendment?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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