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Opposing views

Does owning a gun make you safer?

8 Responses to “Opposing views”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    When the FUCK is the press going to learn the 4 rules???

    I do NOT like having a gun pointed at me, and I like it even less when I see a finger on the trigger.

    I get that its not a gun pointed at me, but a photo of a gun pointed at me (ceci n’est pas une pipe)

    Still I can’t help but think they want readers to come in and imidiatly feel threatened.

  2. _Jon Says:

    Yeah, I blocked the image while reading the posts.
    (Ad Block Plus is da bomb…)

  3. Bruce Says:

    “Owning” a gun makes you safer in the same way “owning” a high-end BMW makes you a good driver, or “owning” a set of paintbrushes makes you a brilliant artist.

    Now, if you have the knowledge and the will to use the gun safely and responsibly when your life is threatened, then shit yes.

    Where’s the question?

  4. Bruce Says:

    forgot to add [ / choirpreach ]

  5. Linoge Says:

    Damn it. Day late. Dollar short. All that nonsense. Suffice to say, Bruce beat me to it.

  6. Huck Says:

    “do guns keep you safe, or just increase the level of violence?”

    The level of violence when attacked by a violent crim is going to be the same, the different is who’s still standing when it’s over.

    Personally, I feel safer with my pistol on me than without it by far. Having a concealed pistol may not prevent a attack on me but I have a better chance of surviving with it. I’d have no chance without it.

  7. John Hardin Says:

    There’s links for discussions on campus carry and the DC Ban as well. One of the opposing views on the campus carry page is: “Keg Parties are a Bad Idea.”

  8. straightarrow Says:

    Carrying a gun would add a little more safety for me. However, anyone can be ambushed, shot from hiding, or just flat beat in gunfight. It depends on the circumstances and the will of the parties involved, the readiness through mindset and training and a myriad of other things to determine the degree of added safety to the individual carrying the gun.

    One thing for certain, your carrying of a gun makes me safer, my carrying of a gun makes you safer, provided it is an understood likelihood. That not only gives the criminal pause, but actually makes his job much more dangerous which translates to increased safety for society.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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