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Return of the echo chamber

On the day of John McCain’s speech at the Republican National Convention our favorite progressive site returns to its Stalinist ways. Via la purge.

KnoxViews is a private club yet again. Only registered users may speak.

Free Speech is a dangerous idea. We like danger here.

By the way, great speech John. I mean Mr. President.

Update: Anyone can comment now. The wall is down.

5 Responses to “Return of the echo chamber”

  1. #9 Says:

    At KnoxViews they call us “mouth breathers”. I take that as a compliment.

    They’re afraid. So afraid they censor any dissent. We’re winning.

  2. mike hollihan Says:

    Why is this news to anyone? Neal’s been doing the same thing at sites he controls for years.

  3. gemini Says:

    Sort of a short purge, wasn’t it?

  4. #9 Says:

    Sort of a short purge, wasn’t it?

    About 12 hours. Wonder why the purge was reversed?

  5. retro Says:

    …with all the clamor of a pin dropping…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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