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More fact checking

Chris Cox in the WaPo:

The Post also claimed that an amendment Mr. Obama voted for in 2005 would not have banned hunting rifle ammunition, just because the amendment’s sponsor, Sen. Edward Kennedy, said it wouldn’t. But while pushing the same proposal in 2004, Mr. Kennedy denounced the .30-30 Winchester. Though the .30-30 has been one of the most popular hunting rifle cartridges for 113 years, Mr. Kennedy found it “outrageous and unconscionable that such ammunition continues to be sold in the United States of America.”

2 Responses to “More fact checking”

  1. Chas Says:

    What is outrageous and unconscionable is that bloated sack of brain-damaged alcoholism continues to be a United States Senator.

  2. dave Says:

    Ditto what Chas said.

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