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Should papers endorse?

I say no. What say you?

6 Responses to “Should papers endorse?”

  1. Nomen Nescio Says:

    i say all this pretended “journalistic objectivity”, “balance” bullshit is nuthin’ but intellectual cowardice. papers should take obvious, explicit stands, and proudly so.

    hey, that way most towns in the country would likely end up with at least two papers, each reporting about half the actual truth while pointing out one another’s lies and omissions. that’s what i’d call journalism.

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding the question. Isn’t that kind of what the first amendment is FOR? To let the press voice their political opinions?

  3. emdfl Says:

    They don’t need too. All you have to do is watch their stories and read(if you can stomach them) the editorials.

  4. Gregory Morris Says:

    What are papers? Is that like, what people had before the internet? If so, I say they should definitely endorse candidates. That way, pet Birds (who get the most used out of print media) will always know who to vote for.

  5. N.U.G.U.N. Says:

    I say “yes”, but let me explain why?

    In our modern media environment where the likes of NY Times, NBC, CNN are “actively” campaigning for a candidate. They should be forced to “endorse” and file as a PAC.

  6. Number9 Says:

    The title should have been, “McElroy wants a mulligan”.

    Can’t stand the heat Mr. McElroy? Then exit the kitchen.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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