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There were four high school cheerleaders killed in an auto accident. Fred Phelps and his merry band of drooling lunatics plan on protesting the funerals.

16 Responses to “Bastards”

  1. Gmac Says:

    Where’s rent a jihadi when you need one…..

  2. ZerCool Says:

    Through the professional grapevine, I heard that Westboro had been planning to protest the funeral procession of the Amish girls killed in Lancaster PA in 2006.

    The Hell’s Angels apparently have a longstanding tradition of doing anything they can to get in the way of the WBBC. They planned to counter-protest in Lancaster.

    The “worth a grin” part was that the cops supposedly had a verbal agreement with the Angels that if WBBC caused problems, the cops would give the Angels a ten-minute head start.

    I strongly support the First Amendment – like I think most of us do – but damn, some people are dumb. I’m with Gmac. 🙂

  3. tkdkerry Says:

    I see a RCOB every time these filthy assholes reappear with their shit. If only we in Kansas could rid ourselves of these vermin. I’ll get back to you when I can find the words for how I really feel.

  4. Dad Says:

    If that was my family I would have to open a giant can Of Whup-Ass ( Industrial Strength )

  5. Unix-Jedi Says:

    Guys, you have picked up that their MO is trying to get assaulted so they can sue, right?

  6. Phelps Says:

    No relation.

  7. Stan Says:

    Can’t sue if you’re dead.

  8. Randy Says:

    “Guys, you have picked up that their MO is trying to get assaulted so they can sue, right?”

    If I was one of those girls fathers I’m afraid I would have to oblige him- but his estate would have to do the suing.

  9. memomachine Says:


    I long for the days of old when right thinking citizens would take a cane to these people.

  10. Matt Says:

    “Guys, you have picked up that their MO is trying to get assaulted so they can sue, right?”

    They have to since they had that $12M judgment against them. Need to find someone else they can redistribute their wealth from so they can pay it and still have some left over.

  11. Dan Says:

    I think all of Phelp’s kids are lawyers.

  12. ATLien Says:

    Paintball gun + Peeper spray paintballs = Doubleplus Happiness.

  13. Manish Says:

    I think all of Phelp’s kids are lawyers.

    That’s my understanding..they sue if lay a hand on them…I’m just amazed that they can find sympathetic jurors.

  14. workinwifdakids Says:

    Fred Phelps? I’d dance a jig on his piss-covered grave.

  15. straightarrow Says:

    Hopefully, if they do this, there will be discovered an immediate need for a Hell of a lot more coffins.

    Oh, and lawyers eventually need coffins too.

  16. Knob Creeker Says:

    I grew up not too far from Oneida (just north of the TN state line) and still have a lot of friends in Winfield, TN and throughout McCreary County, KY. The protesters might just get a nice surprise if they decide to show up and spew their venom. Most mountain folks in this area won’t put up with it, could care less about their lawsuits (couldn’t see a local judge or jury showing sympathy to the protesters anyway), and some would have no problem adding a few people from Kansas to next weeks obituaries.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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