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Cooper Firearms

It was reported they supported Obama.

Fearing Zumbofication, the story has since changed to Oops, my bad. I only did once and have changed my mind.

Update: Not convinced.

Joe seems to think he just wants to be eaten last.

4 Responses to “Cooper Firearms”

  1. David Says:

    Cooper Firearms has asked Dan Cooper to resign as President. Details here:

  2. Justin Buist Says:

    They’ve posted the same message on their website too.

  3. Mike Says:

    The problem is that, although he has resigned, Dan Cooper apparently remains a shareholder. So you can be fairly sure that for every rifle you buy from Cooper, there is still a good chance that you are indirectly supporting Senator Obama.

    For the other poor employees of Cooper, let’s hope Kimber is hiring…

  4. Apple740i Says:

    I can’t believe they make people like this. I will NEVER support Cooper Firearms if you would fire a man for voting his opinion! To all the Boycott Idiots, please go to and actually READ his words, not take snippits to hide the fact that you simply don’t want to vote for a black man. In GA, NC, & MI, we are spreading the word of what you did to this man and this company is going DOWN!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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