Archive for October, 2008

October 27, 2008

A set

Dale got some his and her M1 Carbines.

Bear shot in self defense


From Obama-land

Cook County Democrat Candidate for States Attorney: ” No one Should Own a Gun” and “I Favor a Law Where No One Can Ever Buy a Gun”

Most counties in Illinois disagree.

Gun Porn

Couple of carry guns.

Remington 870 Express Tactical.

Heh: R15 will be avalible with thumbhole stock. Remington hedging against elections?

October 26, 2008


We’re home safe and sound. Blogging to resume tomorrow.

October 24, 2008

Flaming Bags of Poo

[AKA All Linky, No Thinky: Tgirsch Edition, AKA “What I’m reading today.”]

Since Uncle’s on the beach enjoying his vacation, I figured I’d give you folks some blog fodder to get you all worked up:

Have fun, and have a good weekend.


Kevin is looking at getting one.

A look around

A look at things in the firearm industry

Gun Porn

IDF machine guns.

GBR3 Pics

Over at Mr. Completely’s place. Lots of gun porn.

Four more years

Mayor Bloomberg and the city council have decided to extend term limits.

Blogger in the press

David Codrea has a column in the Examiner.


Defense Tech looks at Blackhawk’s SERPA holster. With video.

Gun battle

Paul Helmke on Fox News lies through his teeth. NRA’s Wayne LaPierre responds.

October 23, 2008


Gun owner = trained jihadist.

Truth Squad

A bunch of gun bloggers attended a conference call with Missouri Governor Matt Blunt. I was busy on the beach but others wrote about it:




Contest & Podcast

Bane interviews Stephen Hunter. And you can win his book.

they know something the press doesn’t?

Police around the country are beefing up on election day in anticipation of possible civil unrest.

October 22, 2008


That’s enough quick hits. I’m off to the beach again. Kids are having a blast.

Quote of the day


In fact, if Obama wins on November 4th—and serves one full term in the Oval Office—the Presidency of the United States would be the longest consecutively held full-time job he has ever held without seeking another.

Some Tennessee Permit Holders are now felons?

John Harris at the Tennessee Firearms Association thinks so.

Gun porn

Ultimax 100 Mk5 / General dynamics IAR

Colt Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR)

Free AR videos

Instructional videos at Brownells.

October 21, 2008

Gun rights defender of the year – updated

A comment by Tom Gresham of Gun Talk:

Nope, I’m not retiring. Maybe in 20 years.

Actually, this award was one of more than a dozen presented at the same time. Alan Gura was there, and we presented him with an award and his own “copy” of the Smith & Wesson revolver with the “D.C. vs. Heller” inscription (an idea I brought to S&W).

Part of the sales of that revolver go to funding more lawsuits.

There is no doubt that Alan Gura is the super star of gun rights. He’s the real deal, and he will be in the center of this battle for at least the next decade.

Alan is also a very nice guy.

Here’s to 20 more years!


I’ve chatted with Ted a few times and read his comments. He passed away. Godspeed, Ted.


Factchecking the Brady’s “Translation” of the NRA’s questionaire

Gun Porn

Beretta NRX Carbine.

Guns and Hunting

A blog mentioned earlier now has a domain name: NRA’s Ed Friedman is blogging at Tell Me Why.

Looks familiar

That air rifle.

Gun shows don’t kill people

But if there was a correlation, I’m sure you’d see it in the press.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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