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Global gun control

UN panel wants to back standards for the arms trade.

8 Responses to “Global gun control”

  1. JKB Says:

    The article doesn’t say what the treaty will actually control that isn’t already controlled by the Wassenaar Arrangement to which the US is already a party.

    Looks to me like either the UN is looking for relevance or trying to work a backdoor gun control initiative to be expanded after adoption.

  2. JKB Says:

    I should have done the research first. It is a backdoor gun control initiative.

    Note the treaty deals with arms transfers not exports or imports

    As part of a comprehensive approach to enhancing human security, states must work to establish strict national, regional and international arms transfer criteria that are consistent with their existing responsibilities under international law, based on common global principles.

    ATT initiative aims, objective and strategy

    The overall aim of the initiative is to:

    contribute to global peace and sustainable development and education through the establishment of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as a comprehensive international treaty to regulate arms transfers according to established standards of human rights, humanitarian law and peaceful international relations via international and regional consultation and building blocks of support,

    establish a core, common set of minimum standards that would prevent the most irresponsible arms transfers from ever happening,

    provide transparency and the information-exchange necessary for the effective implementation of those standards

    The central objective of the initiative is to establish a broad, diverse and powerful coalition of governments and non-governmental actors committed to the negotiation of the ATT and supported by an informed public opinion in favour of tighter controls.

  3. the pawnbroker Says:

    they’ve done such a stellar job of dealing with international terrorism that i’m sure they should be given control over the tools of it…not!

    that att sounds a lot like an international atf; another organization with impeccable credentials…


  4. Tom Says:

    The central objective of the initiative is to establish a broad, diverse and powerful coalition of governments and non-governmental actors committed to the negotiation of the ATT and supported by an informed public opinion in favour of tighter controls.

    Translation: The goal is to remove gun rights by having larger more tyrannical government and “civilian” groups who hate the west and freedom come to NY for a bunch of big expensive parties that the US will pay for while we use propaganda to dumb down people enough to accept their own slavery.

  5. Oldsmoblogger Says:

    There really isn’t room in my garage for a boring mill….


  6. emdfl Says:

    I think it IS time to start shooting the bastids; to paraphraise Claire Wolfe

  7. Joe Says:

    If IANSA is involved you know it has to involve gun control and disarmament.

  8. Kristopher Says:

    It won’t so anything. Governments will still surplus and new weapons to the highest bidder, and all those obsolete guns, ammo, and parts will still end up in that black hole known as the US civilian firearms market.

    Seriously … all of the UN posturing in the world won’t stop China’s policy of sell anything to anyone.

    A pro-gun President can polish his creds by using the US veto on this, yes. That’s about all of the silly thing’s effect.

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