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Fulmer’s last season

Sad to see him go.

5 Responses to “Fulmer’s last season”

  1. Boyd Says:

    Why don’t they wait until the end of the season before they fire announce the departure of the head coach at the end of the season?

    I suppose it may help them in their search for a replacement, but it’s devastating for the team members themselves.

    But I suppose the team members aren’t why colleges have football teams, after all. It’s really just another revenue stream.

  2. BWM Says:

    Sad to see him go… really? You must like watching the Vols flop miserably.

    I’d imagine they announce it midseason to placate the donators calling for his head.

  3. countertop Says:

    I’m jumping up and down celebrating. Heck, might even make an alumni donatino to the school today. Hot damn. This has to bode well for McCain tomorrow. The tide of good news is turning!!!!!!!!

  4. tjbbpgob Says:

    This is a bonehead move in MHO. I have watched and listened to Volunteer football since Andy Griffeth recorded “What It Was Was Football” and thats a long time ago. He’s been about the best coach they’ve had since I’ve been here. I think the problems the last few years were his lack of a consistant offenseive coordinator. I live in alabama now and it’s hard to really keep up with the Vols, the papers only know of two teams down here and boy are they happy today.

  5. tjbbpgob Says:

    “Thank yew, I do believe I will have another big orange.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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