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More on gun sales

Ridefast makes a good point. Remember how the press kept trying to tell us Obama wasn’t really anti-gun and we had nothing to worry about? Well, now that they’re reporting on gun sales increases (which, according to the deluded, is just propaganda from the gun lobby) they have to admit Obama may not be so good on gun right after all.

3 Responses to “More on gun sales”

  1. mike w. Says:

    Well of course they admit it now that he’s won the election.

  2. chris Says:

    I went to the gun show both days and the troops were in high dudgeon about Obama.

    AR-15s, AK-47s, standard capacity magazines and other semi-auto rifles were in high demand, along with rifle ammo.

  3. Huck Says:

    The media’s just trying to save their credibility, like they ever had any.

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