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Hooked on Phoenix

Six months until the Second Amendment Blog Bash at the NRA Convention in Phoenix. They’ve announced a contest.

You are going, aren’t you?

8 Responses to “Hooked on Phoenix”

  1. The Duck Says:

    Sadly I won’t be going, layoff coming, & training classes aren’t enough to pay for the trip

  2. Alan Says:

    I’m going.

  3. Breda Says:

    Hmm…I’d like to go…

  4. Les Jones Says:

    Not gonna happen here. Too long a plane ride. Kentucky was perfect, but it wound up conflicting with our vacation last year.

    Anyway, we’re pulling back financially in 2009. I’m convinced the economy is going to get ugly. I’m already trying to convince wifey to skip the beach vacation next year and go somewhere nearer home.

  5. Bitter Says:

    Breda, if you join us, I can guarantee that attendance would be up over last year. And considering there are notably fewer bloggers in driving distance, that’s saying something. 🙂

    I think you’d have a blast…

  6. Bitter Says:

    Remember Duck & Les, you don’t have to attend the Bash in order to participate in the contest. It’s a contest to boost our power, so you benefit even if you can’t join us in Phoenix.

  7. The Duck Says:

    Well I have been a recruiter for a long time (& I don’t take the commisson), I’ve added several but of late it’s been harder, But we keep pushing for new members.

  8. Linoge Says:

    Sadly, no. Y’all had the last convention over here, so I moved over here. Now you are having it back near where I used to live. I see how it is.

    On a more serious note, between GBR and my new EBR, this little boy’s travels will be limited for the future.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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