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AG and guns

In an 2001 op-ed, Attorney General nominee Eric Holder said there were “numerous and chilling” examples of gun shows putting arms in the hands of terrorists, and specified two.

8 Responses to “AG and guns”

  1. Michael Hawkins Says:

    That’s two more than most people who make such claims. At least he’s got *something* to show for his words.

  2. 6Kings Says:

    That is like saying out of 20 million rounds of ammo fired, we had two misfires so I guess there is a serious problem and we need to redo the ammunition factory.

    It never ceases to amaze me how statistical outliers garner so much attention and how freely the dishonesty flows out of the leftys. Eric Holder is an idiot.

  3. Tom Says:

    government’s put more guns in the hands of terrorists then any gun show, person, or company.

    How many did the “lose” in Iraq? How many have all the feds “lost”?

    Also, the fear mongering…or should I say TERRORizing about the “loophole” in the law is just another form or terrorism, from the .gov to boot.

  4. Lyle Says:

    The U.S. government has been actively arming and training Hamas terrorists in Gaza as recently as this year. The rationalization? So the “government” in Gaza can police its citizens.

    And, well, “two” is in fact a “numeral”.

  5. Ron W Says:

    It depends of what the definition of “terrorist” is. According to certain parts of the “Patriot Act”, that may be broadly interpreted to be ????

  6. Mikee Says:

    I’m going to invest in a PVC pipe company’s stock again – stuff like was done in the 1990’s will get more firearms buried in back yards.

    I wonder if, among those who actually buried weapons or ammo before various apocalyptic events from 1892 onward, anyone forgot where, or perhaps later found a fused pile of rust months later?

  7. Mikee Says:

    Apocalyptic events referenced above were from 1992 onward. I doubt anyone buried a nice Colt SAA in 1893 or a Winchester 1897 pump action, preparing for THAT millenium, or say, the addition of more states to the Union…

    Although that would make a great plot twist in a time travel / historical romance novel….

  8. DirtCrashr Says:

    Damn, I don’t have a back yard.

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