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My little halo

From Political

From Yahoo! news, just now.

13 Responses to “My little halo”

  1. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    It’s not the halo that bothers me as much as his tendency to always be looking down his nose at us. 🙂

  2. Robert Says:

    TWO autobiographies, (the first so badly written that it was rejected by the publisher) a presidential seal while running. A seal of “The Office of the President Elect.”
    Hell. It’s not a halo, it’s the aura given off by his ego.

  3. Tom Says:

    even those wacky late night talk shows are commenting on this.

  4. Tom Says:

    D’oh, link got lost.

  5. Wolfwood Says:

    There’s no chance photographers just don’t want to have a dark face against a dark background?

  6. Popcorn Says:

    Every time I hear the word “hope” I buy more 5.56. Ditto for 9 mm when I hear “change.” When I hear “hope and change” as a phrase, I buy a new firearm. So I guess that whenever I see this halo picture I will need to start putting a bit of money away for the tax stamp on a silencer or a fully automatic weapon.

    If I make the mistake of listening to any of the inaugural coverage, I’ll probably go bankrupt.

  7. Guav Says:

    This happens all the time:

  8. tgirsch Says:

    Guav beat me to it. 🙂

  9. Captain Holly Says:

    It’s not a halo, it’s the smoke from his cigarettes.

  10. DirtCrashr Says:

    All he needs is a long cigarette holder at a jaunty angle and a spiffy fedora and it’s FDR all over again…

  11. Mark@Sea Says:

    It’s an upside down world we’re in these days. Advocating (and attempting) violence against the government is no big deal (just ask Ayers) – but suggest restoring constitutional government draws scorn from the press.
    Successful in business? You’re greedy, selfish and evilly holding your employees down. Failing miserably isn’t a problem, just contribute to the right Senator and a bailout is in the works.
    “Merry Christmas” or faith in God isn’t PC, but apparently the worship of an empty suit is all the rage.

  12. B Smith Says:

    Is it just me, or does the halo seem to be…fading?? (snicker)

  13. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    He’s definitely got the ‘forward to the future/who farted?’ look of the New Soviet Man.

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