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IL Gov. Blagojevich arrested

Pay for play? More Illinois corruption? Coming soon to a White House near you? Gasp, swoon.


Update: more:

“I don’t believe there’s any cloud that hangs over me, I think there’s nothing but sunshine hanging over me,” Blagojevich said.

Sunshine, as it turns out, is the name of his roommate at club fed.

Update: Hats off to the Obama administration who, according to investigators, had no part in it.

12 Responses to “IL Gov. Blagojevich arrested”

  1. Says:

    Typical Illinois politics. I’ve lived in IL most of my life, and am confident that the next 4 years will see IL politics at the national level.

  2. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    Weird. Blagojevich, Wm. Jefferson. I thought it was the other party that was corrupt. These guys must have been hanging out with Republicans. Some of it wore off.

  3. chrisb Says:

    Now this is change we can believe in!

  4. wizardpc Says:

    did you see it was Patrick Fitzgerald that filed the charges?

    This is the Merry Fitzmas Kos et al were clamoring for when he was investigating Karl Rove.

    It’ll be fun to watch them try to spin this.

  5. Nomen Nescio Says:

    on a whim i checked DU. it’s made their front page, and the general consensus seems to be “good riddance to crooked rubbish”.

  6. James Says:

    Does anyone have any idea who the undisclosed “Client #5” might be in the Illinois corruption case against the governor there?

  7. tgirsch Says:

    Corrupt Democrat replaces corrupt Republican. Business as usual in Illinois, I guess.

  8. DirtCrashr Says:

    It is Illinois after all, so whether there’s any actual difference in political virtue based on Teh Party is huge debatable. It’s a lot like California was in the 30’s, but hampered with an ongoing tradition of simple dumb-brute violence (as opposed to wine, brie, and vice extortionists), they keep getting caught.

  9. Snackeater Says:

    Don’t count on Urkel not being involved–he’s a Chicago politician, just like Blowjobovich. This country doesn’t realize what they’ve elected. But they’re about to find out. And it ain’t gonna be pretty.

  10. Manish Says:

    Sunshine, as it turns out, is the name of his roommate at club fed.

    LOL. I was hoping someone would get me a Senate seat for Christmas, guess its not going to happen.

  11. Roger Seitz Says:

    Interesting, the virulently anti gun governor had to turn in his Firearms owners ID card! (disarm the people but not ME!)
    I hope his cellmate is named Bubba and has size 14 shoes.


  12. workinwifdakids Says:

    Does anyone have any idea who the undisclosed “Client #5″ might be in the Illinois corruption case against the governor there?

    Is it some sort of FedSpeak for unindicted co-conspirators?

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