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my focus three days old

What could possibly go wrong:

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly is making sure 1,000 rookie police officers assigned to Times Square on New Year’s Eve are ready to rock with M4 automatic machine guns. Recruits at the academy will get three days of training to familiarize them with the weapon, which until now had only been used by officers in the NYPD’s elite Emergency Service Unit.

5 Responses to “my focus three days old”

  1. Kim du Toit Says:

    Three whole days? They’ll be able to compete in NRA High Power competitions after that…

  2. Mike Gallo Says:

    Nice Jane’s Addiction reference!

  3. B Smith Says:

    Glad I won’t be there.

    Why do the cops need assault rifles, when NYFC is such a gun-free, safe haven from violence?? (snicker)

  4. Kevin Baker Says:

    I heard him interviewed on Fox & Friends this morning (Sirius satellite radio). He said that they were just getting “weapons familiarization” on “M14” semi-automatic rifles (I don’t know if he misspoke and meant “M4” or if the NYPD really is using M14’s, but he referred to them several times as “heavy weapons,” and M4’s are NOT “heavy weapons.” Like facts ever meant anything to our public officials.)

  5. _Jon Says:

    The police should not have automatic weapons.
    They are responsible for every round they fire, therefore, they should not be using fully automatic weapons. period.

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