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A conspiracy

Rustmeister on conspiracy theories:

Bottom line? Don’t take these posts seriously, because I don’t.

I’m a fan of conspiracy theories myself because they are entertaining. I’ve written about that before, here and here. I think taking some of the greatest conspiracy theories of our time and making movies out of them would be a huge seller. Assuming they’re not really unbelievable ones and Oliver Stone is not involved.

4 Responses to “A conspiracy”

  1. JJR Says:

    getting off 3 shots with a Männlicher-Carcano in 6 seconds at a moving target and hitting 2 out of 3 times is believable…? A feat even Gunny Hathcock couldn’t replicate? Ok if you say so….

  2. Alcibiades Says:

    It was more like 8 seconds and he was only around 100 yards away. And he only had to pull the bolt twice after the first shot.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    Thanks for the nod, sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

  4. Les Says:

    What JJR said. If Oswald fired as the limo was going by the oak tree then it’s more like eight and a half seconds.

    Speaking of that and Oliver Stone movies … There’s a scene in JFK when Clay Shaw (Kevin Costner) is in the book repository and explaining how it’s impossible to work the bolt on a Männlicher-Carcano quickly enough to fire three times in six seconds.

    Thing is, Costner does exactly that while explaining it.

    Most of the JFK conspiracy stuff is often-repeated nonsense. See John Mcadam’s Web site, or read Posner’s book, Case Closed. Most of what most people know about JFK is just plain wrong.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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