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I’m not a fan. I don’t care for the disease-ridden vermin. My mother in law likes them. In fact, she has several bird feeders and a bird bath to attract them for, as far as I can tell, the sole purpose of shitting all over her patio. One year, she asked me and the Mrs. if we’d like a bird feeder and a bird bath for our backyard. I said I would love an automatic moving-target re-generator. Both she and the Mrs. shot me a look. Needless to say, she didn’t get us either one.

I guess lots of people actually like birds. They like them to the extent that there is actually a market for bird bath warmers. No kidding. I know this because that’s what the mother in law asked us to get her for Christmas.

9 Responses to “Birds”

  1. JoeMerchant24 Says:

    Bird bath warmer – crockpot

    Tomato – tomatoe

  2. chrisb Says:

    I like seeing the birds in the backyard. We had a feeder, but the stupid treerats knocked it down no matter how I secured it, and ate the contents.

  3. Mikee Says:

    Songbirds must be differentiated from the scourge birds, such as grackles, starlings, and pigeons. The latter are targets for air rifles, the former are delightful music makers.

    Mockingbirds who sing at 3:00am to the full moon look a lot like grackles in the dark of night.

  4. Nomen Nescio Says:

    bird bath warmers must be for climates where it doesn’t actually get, y’know, cold. because letting birds get their feathers soaked when everywhere other than the bird bath is below freezing and will remain so for months doesn’t seem very animal-friendly to me.

  5. bwm Says:

    Whether you like birds or not, this video is worth watching.

    The lyle bird

  6. Number9 Says:

    You can attack as many birds with water as you can with food. Solves the treerat problem. The cats love the bird bath warmer. It wasn’t a gift for the birds, it was for the cats.

  7. _Jon Says:

    I no longer have it, but I was sent an e-mail about a guy making a joke about the “Christmas Bird”. Basically, his nephew sent him an expensive bird from South America, so he cooked it and ate it. “It was delicious.”

  8. Lornkanaga Says:

    My hubby loves “the little fliers”–I on the other hand can’t stand the little sh*tters. However, my dad has purple martin houses out at his place–purple martins eat mosquitos, lots of ’em, along with other biting insects–so I’m thinking of putting up a few purple martin houses on our retirement property. I’ve also heard bats eat more insects than purple martins, so I’m thinking about setting up a bat house as well (g).

  9. Dad Says:

    As long as they don’t freeze their little peckers off. (beaks)

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