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The government is destroying surplus M14 rifles that could be sold through the CMP. Here’s a petition to get them to stop.

9 Responses to “Sad”

  1. John Says:

    Didn’t I hear recently that units were having a hard time getting M-14s in Iraq and Afghanistan for use as designated marksman rifles?

  2. Chas Says:

    We were good enough to pay for them when Uncle Sam wanted them, we’re just not good enough to be allowed to own them.
    Uncle Sam sez: “Shut up and pay your taxes!”

  3. Phelps Says:

    Sad? It should be criminal.

  4. Eagle 1 Says:

    This petition has been floating around the intarweb for years. The Army stopped destroying M14s years ago during the Billy Jeff administration. They have in fact refurbished as many as they can to send them out on active duty to Iraq and Afstan. CMP just this year recalled the last club-held M14s to return to the military. CMP will NEVER, repeat NEVER sell M14s to civilians because “once a MG, always a MG” according to BATman.

    That said, I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if the One decides to fire-up Cap’n Crunch down at Anniston again.

    Eagle 1

  5. Tom Says:

    CMP will NEVER, repeat NEVER sell M14s to civilians because “once a MG, always a MG” according to BATman.

    Well…what was the manufacture date?

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    There should be a law against the waste of taxpayer’s money.

  7. Tom Says:

    There should be a law against the waste of taxpayer’s money

    QFMFT! Too bad it’d put 80% of the government out of work and/or behind bars.

  8. Eagle 1 Says:

    M14s were made prior to 1965 when the M16 was adopted. Yes, it is before the ’86 ban but if it is not already on the NFTR roster forget it. And they will never surplus them out like the M1 or carbine. There’s a better chance that Christy Brinkley would show up at my door and say “Take me, I’m yours!”

    Eagle 1

  9. Tom Says:

    Eagle, that logic is the same as the “machine guns aren’t in common use” argument. If they were government they weren’t required to be registered which is why they weren’t.

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