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Don’t just stand there, panic

Fire department called after someone drops some ammo in a Dick’s Sporting Goods.

5 Responses to “Don’t just stand there, panic”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Please note that this did NOT happen in MA…

  2. Tam Says:

    I know! I thought that in North Carolina they threw ammo in each other’s BBQ grills for fun.

    Maybe they usedta, once.

    These days, NC gets called “The California of the South” for good reason.

  3. Bruce Says:

    Not quite the bed-wetting Cambridge-esque story I was expecting. Sounds like some loose rounds got touched off after falling into the machinery under the escalator. Definitely warranted an escalated response. No pun intended.

  4. drstrangegun Says:

    Dropped rounds, no big deal. Rounds getting crushed in huge spinning machinery and exploding? A little bit bigger of a deal.

  5. Laughingdog Says:

    “The shopper accidentally dropped the ammunition while riding on the escalator. Some of the ammo lodged in the escalator and detonated.”

    Obviously, stopping the escalator is sufficient to keep more bullets from firing. But I expect that I’d have called 911 to deal with it as well. I certainly don’t expect an escalator repair guy to be eager to fix an escalator with live ammo caught in it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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