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More ballots than voters

Well, the Democrats look to be successfully stealing a senate seat.

Via Glenn.

22 Responses to “More ballots than voters”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    No matter who won, you know the other side was gonna say the election was stolen. What a goat fuck.

  2. _Jon Says:

    Over the holiday, I was discussing politics with my family.

    An interesting conspiracy theory was floated: Could it be that the Democrats have been doing a lot of cheating over the past decade and that is why they were so furious over losing in 2000? We’ve seen that liberals are good at ‘projecting’ (that is, claiming an opponent is cheating when – in fact – they are cheating). Could it be that the Dems cheated so much in 2000 that they figured the _only_ way they could have lost is if the other side cheated more?

    Could that be why they were so angry?

  3. Joe Huffman Says:

    _Jon, yes.

    I forget who it was but some Democrat “organizer” had a reputation of being able to win any election that was within 0.5% or something. He was sent in to do his work when they wanted to challenge an election and was very, very good at his job.

    Just take a look at all the elections where there was a recount in the last ten or fifteen years. Who won the recounts? One should expect about a 50-50 split. I don’t think that is what you will find.

  4. Bitter Says:

    Hands down, when an election is decided after Election Day, Democrats win by an overwhelming majority. It really makes me think that a runoff election isn’t such a bad idea. When Obama didn’t have coattails in Georgia and Louisiana, the GOP won. I mean the GOP knocked out Bill Jefferson – no one saw that coming.

  5. Dan Says:

    Wow, what is more sad is the people that legitimately voted for Franken. Those people make me want to vomit. Too bad the people in minnesota do not seem as smart as the floridians back in 2000.

  6. anon Says:

    Looks like it’s his turn to drive the forklift!
    (obligatory ‘Trading Places’ reference)

  7. Manish Says:

    ha ha ha..of course, we should only consider ballots counted on election day if it favors the Republican. Hennepin County documented a missing envelope filled with ballots, but to the WSJ that means that there isn’t any proof that there were missing ballots.

  8. SayUncle Says:

    err, we should only consider ballots equal to the number of registered voters.

  9. emdfl Says:

    Manish needs to go back to MN and observe that in EVERY instance that new ballots were “found” or old totals rechecked the results ALWAYS favored Franken. Don’t even start babbling about republicans “stealing” elections. That’s so stupid that only a lefty or a lib would even say it.

  10. Justthisguy Says:

    manish makes me think of that Chinese “student” which Steve McQueen met at the boom in “The Sand Pebbles.” Yes, manish. a good sharp lick with an axe in yer solar plexus is just what you need.

    (in my dreams)

    OMG I hate commies.

    After we take care of them, we’ll get the Republicans. (f’in yankees!)

  11. Justthisguy Says:

    N.B. I wrote “in my dreams” above, to say that I don’t really want to do violence to manish, nor do I want anyone else to do that. I was just, like, imagining….

  12. Robb Allen Says:

    Sebastian-PGP, unfortunately Franken did steal it. When every single last “lost” or “misplaced” ballot is for a single candidate, something is wrong.

    What this is doing is lowering the faith of the populace that the electoral system is working. I don’t actually feel the winners are actually the ones with the most votes any more. I mean, I could understand a recount that had a few dozen numbers change, but hundreds to thousands of “errors” indicates a system that isn’t working.

    I work at a company with PETABYTES of data. Even .001% bad data is going to wreck our statistics, and we don’t hold the future of the American nation in our hands.

    The more stolen elections (and sorry, but they are primarily Democrats) the less people like me are going to be willing to go along with the laws. I will work within the system insofar as the system works.

    After that… I shudder to think.

  13. AntiCitizenOne Says:

    isn’t Franken safe on guns so far though?

  14. gattsuru Says:

    Not really, anticitizenone. Check chapter 12 of “Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat, Idiot” the next time you’re by a library.

    The man blames the NRA for gunshot victims, thinks Clinton’s gun control policies were instrumental in the 1990 reduction in violent crime, and a half-dozen other idiocies. This… wonderful coincidence is the last thing gun owners needed as a BHO administration started thinking about what right-wing hobby they wanted to castrate first.

  15. Justin Buist Says:

    Just take a look at all the elections where there was a recount in the last ten or fifteen years. Who won the recounts? One should expect about a 50-50 split. I don’t think that is what you will find.

    Minnesota US Senate Seat 2008: Democrat
    Washington Governor 2004: Democrat
    Florida POTUS 2000: Republican
    Indiana’s 9th District 2004: Republican
    Virginia’s 5th District 2008: Democrat
    North Carolina’s 8th District 2006: Republican
    Florida’s 13th District 2006: Republican

    Alright, that’s all I can find right now. It’s not really lopsided for either side. Republicans can win recounts too.

  16. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I’d like to see some substantiation for the idea that one party or the other steals more elections. Not that I’m wild about Franken, but sorry guys, can’t get behind this. Not sure how your claims here are any different than guys on DU or DKos insisting the GOP steals more elections.

  17. Justin Buist Says:

    I’d like to see some substantiation for the idea that one party or the other steals more elections

    I sure as hell can’t find it.

    Every race I mentioned above went to recount. I found other races where they were very, very close, but discarded them for failure to enact a recount. Seems pretty even to me.

    I could do a quick VPC-style study though.

    Google hits on “republicans steal election” : 9
    Google hits on “democrats steal election”: 15

    There we have it. Democrats steal elections 5:3 over Republicans.

  18. Manish Says:

    Sebastian-PGP, unfortunately Franken did steal it. When every single last “lost” or “misplaced” ballot is for a single candidate, something is wrong.

    Sorry, but your wrong. The misplaced ballots went both ways. Furthermore, every decision was made to include as many voters as possible.

  19. Scott Says:

    Everyone knows about Florida 2000, whether you agree or disagree.
    Ohio 2004 (decided that election) had at least six precincts with more votes for Bush than total registered voters – not just more votes cast for Bush and Kerry together, more for Bush period. And the wack job Ohio state official running for RNC chairman certified it – no questions.
    Maybe it’s karma, or what goes around comes around, or whatever.
    Fuck Coleman.

  20. Yosemite Sam Says:

    Ohio 2004?!?!

    WTF, I thought that the guy who got the most votes should win? I thought the Electoral College was bad?

    Even if Kerry had won Ohio, Bush still would have gotten more votes in 2004.

    I guess the rules of the game are variable depending on the desired outcome.

  21. Manish Says:

    one of the judges responds

    a fisking of the editorial

    and even powerline isn’t sympathetic to the WSJ.

  22. tgirsch Says:


    Still tilting at facty windmills, I see…

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