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You’ll notice

On the right side, I took an ad for an anti-gun book. I plan on using the money to buy ammo. Discuss.

29 Responses to “You’ll notice”

  1. Bitter Says:

    The cover is terrible.

  2. Molon Labe Says:

    I’d be crying too if I was using a shoulder rig like that kid has on….

  3. Matt Maynard Says:

    Seems counterproductive. It’s aimed (no pun intended) at kids, and we need more of them shooting than afraid of guns.

    On the other hand, if we all just click through but don’t buy…

  4. _Jon Says:


  5. firefox 3.0 Says:

    What ads?

  6. Joe Huffman Says:

    It demonstrates the anti-gun people are clueless. Would you advertise your brothel on a nunnery website?

    I say take their money and laugh all the way to the range.

  7. JD Says:

    Once you have the cash you want send them a thank you. . .

  8. N.U.G.U.N. Says:

    I think you better keep your day job, cause it’s not likely you’ll make much money off the sales.

  9. Dockbot Says:

    I’m not… sure about that. But it’s your site, and completely your choice.

    Hey, why not go whole hog and use Sugarmann’s book.

  10. Weer'd Beard Says:

    How do you make money from those adds? Just for posting, or for clicks?

    I won’t be buying that sack of crap…but I want to keep you happily in .223

  11. Rivrdog Says:

    Hey Joe, where would YOU advertise a brothel 😉

    See you in April.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    How do you make money from those adds? Just for posting, or for clicks?

    Just flat fee for posting.

  13. ChrisTheEngineer Says:

    What is the problem with it? Might want to avoid going overboard, though. Just for atmosphere reasons.

    Do anti-rights bigots put pro-rights ads on their sites? I would be surprised, but I don’t frequent bigot places.

  14. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Absolutely nothing wrong with promoting seeing both sides of the issue.
    Also nothing wrong with taking their money.

  15. John Says:

    Kind of like buying ammo and guns with your stimulus check… Guilty….

  16. KCSteve Says:

    I’d be crying if I were stuck behind a kid with a shoulder rig like that.

    Glad to hear that click throughs don’t affect your income – hate to waste the computer time.

    Next month ask them if you can have two ads because your readers enjoy them so much.

    Note: I’d omit mentioning we enjoy ridiculing them – I’m sure they’re far too busy to be bothered with details like that.

  17. Joe Huffman Says:

    Rivrdog, I’d advertise a brothel on websites that are frequented by young men and men away from home on business. Sports and travel oriented websites for example.

  18. julie Says:

    the fact that you had to tell us about it (as in, i at least never notice ads … ooops) means that you’re lucky that they’re paying “flat fee”.

    How long did you have it up there before announcing it?

    Oh and as for a pro-gun site “advertising” an anti-gun book – who cares??? I’m not against opposing views, I’ll happily listen to them, I’ll just like the curtesy returned.

    Wonder if we should suggest to an anti-gun blog that they advertise a pro-gun book?

  19. mike w. Says:

    I say you buy one and use it for target practice at the range.

  20. Gmac Says:

    “A fool and his money should soon be parted.”

  21. KingsideRook Says:

    I say that’s pretty funny, and you should laugh all the way to the bank.


  22. robert Says:

    99% of everything is stupid.

  23. Kris Says:

    In Illinois, the Champaign County Gun Club always organizes a drive to collect old, junk guns. Then they go up to Chicago and sell them to the gun buy backs.

    The money is used to buy new rifles and conduct youth rifle training programs.

  24. Jay G. Says:

    Take the money. In a freakin’ heartbeat…

  25. Kim du Toit Says:

    What gun are you going to buy with their money?

  26. Reese Cooper Says:

    Great idea, Unc. Take ’em for what you can get!

  27. ATL Says:


    Whose funny idea was it to put Barack Obama on the cover. Come on, it does look like him!

  28. Sevesteen Says:

    Ohioans for Concealed Carry had Google ads. It was fairly common for a while to see ads from Bloomberg and Joyce Foundation ads. These were pay per click, so I thought it only fair to give them a chance to change my mind once a day.

  29. straightarrow Says:

    iS kdt still alive? damn I heard he suffocated.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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