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.gov is in the air

I can’t decide if it’s the all the hope or all the change.

Today is inauguration day. A new president. A historic first in that a black guy will be president, which is pretty remarkable if you consider the events of the last several decades.

Unfortunately, I think the loyal worshipers are in for disappointment. The high hopes seem unrealistic. The change will be nearly nonexistent. And the guy is gonna have it rough. I mean, several states are bankrupt; Mexico is about to go Tango Uniform; India and Pakistan are having a dick-measuring contest; staple industries are in the crapper; if Hamas doesn’t stop shooting rockets into Israel, the Israelis are going to turn it into a crater; the .gov thinks that printing money and handing it out is going to fix every thing; and on and on. About the only positive I can think is that tomorrow the press will probably stop talking the economy down.

Who’d want the job?

We can all thank George Bush and the six years of Republican-controlled legislature for the biggest, most expensive, most intrusive, and wasteful federal government we’ve ever had. They took it, shook it up, and are now handing it off to their opposition. Good job, guys.

But good luck, Barry. We’re gonna need it.

9 Responses to “.gov is in the air”

  1. LibertyNews Says:

    I think that the reality of the situation is going to be brutal for the naive liberals who elected this administration. I really do wish him well, because I see a dark cloud on the horizon and I hope he can handle it.

  2. Mikee Says:

    I find there is an amazing difference between the socialist Dems and the sorta-but-less-Socialist Repubs, in that the “loyal opposition” for the past 8 years actively sought the failure of the policies, both foreign and domestic, of the US President, whereas now, the new “loyal opposition” is actively assiting the new US President toward success. What a strange, strange trip it’s been.

  3. Dan Says:

    I am far more intimidated by the gushing press, and the length of how long it will be under the new administration. It will be like the OJ trial x10.

  4. #9 Says:

    We are all in the same boat. Hoping the boat springs a leak doesn’t make much sense.

    God speed Mr. President.

  5. Chas Says:

    Black guy? I heard he was half honky! You might call him our first, half honky President, or our first, mulatto President, but he doesn’t really qualify as “black”. Okay, 50% black = close enough for government work!
    Obama is a great role model for blacks, but I don’t know how they’re going to manage to become fifty percent white. I think they might have to do something with manipulating the structure of their nucleic acids, or something like that.
    I can hear the Obamessiah now, “What? Fifty percent white? No problem! I did it! You can too! Just hope for change!”

  6. #9 Says:

    I don’t know what to say. The speech…

    Who was he speaking to?

  7. Huck Says:

    Obama is a great role model for blacks? The only role model I’d use him for would be a example of dirty Chicago politics. If you want to hold a man up as a example for AMERICANS, Colin Powell would be a much better choice.

    As much as I destest Obama I do wish him luck because we’re all in the same boat and he’s the one at the helm.

  8. Manish Says:

    Well said Uncle. Definitely many challenges, but I remain patient and hopeful that Obama will persevere.

  9. retro Says:

    The change will be nearly nonexistent.

    I really think that you’re incorrect on this statement. America is setting itself up for the same “change” that swept over Europe back in the late 1930’s.

    Change indeed… “Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.”

    AUHD – that’s not the sound of thunder that you hear in the distance…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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