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The problem with ‘approving’ rights

In New Jersey, 30 days does not mean 30 days.

7 Responses to “The problem with ‘approving’ rights”

  1. Kim du Toit Says:

    Hey, Texas state law says that the state has 90 days to issue a CHL. Unless there’s a backlog… and then, after six MONTHS of querying, you have to call the Governor’s office to prod their asses into action. Then you get sent two CHLs, within two weeks.

    Ask me how I know this.

  2. 6Kings Says:

    You do know that the government is not bound by any laws. If they don’t feel like complying, there is no watchdog, no penalties, no recourse unless you want to file suit. In most cases, people won’t because of cost.

    They know it, we know it and we are the ones getting screwed over. Government is an abomination in its current form.

  3. Gunstar1 Says:

    In Georgia 60 days is the limit unless it just takes longer. So says the Georgia Court of Appeals.

  4. Lyle Says:

    If it has to be “approved” it is not being treated a right. You don’t ask for permission to go to church, to start a blog, or to hold a meeting.

  5. kahr40 Says:

    Lyle is correct. If you have to ask permission it ain’t a right in the People’s Republic of New Jersey or anywhere else.

  6. Lyle Says:

    Well, to be technical, the keeping and bearing of arms is in fact a right. Whether it is treated as such is another matter.

    Now; we know that the Left understands how a right works. If something is a right, it is absolutely, positively hands-off– no encroachment, no local options, no infringements anywhere. If government is have anything to do with it, it is in the way of enabling or facilitating it. The way they treat abortion is one such example, showing us that they do in fact understand the meaning of “right” (even if the constitution is silent on that particular issue).

    If we treated the RKBA the same as the abortion “right” then we’d make sure minors could get guns without parental consent. We’d have offices set up in virtually every town for the purpose of advising people, including kids, on how to get guns, and they’d be advertizing their services in radio and TV Public Service Announcements. There would be gun handling & marksmanship education in almost all public schools. There would be zero restrictions on the manufacture, sale, possession, or design of any firearm or other ordnance. Proposals to restrict RPGs or towed artillery would be met with vigorous, accusatory opposition in the media and in Congress as a first step down a slippery slope. Movie stars would be doing PSAs on the importance of gun ownership and training, etc. The term “assault rifle” would correctly apply to a full automatic or select-fire, light rifle with a detachable magazine, and the term would hold nothing but positive connotations in the American vernacular.

    THAT, my friends, is something of how a right works. It’s how abortion works. (please don’t get started on an abortion debate. This is about rights, not abortion per se)

  7. Chas Says:

    In New Jersey a BB gun is a firearm and 30 days defines an indefinite period of time. Words mean things, though apparently, not in New Jersey.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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