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The Truth About Assault Weapons

A handy demonstration:

5 Responses to “The Truth About Assault Weapons”

  1. kbiel Says:

    Great video with the exception of the 2 rule 3 violations near the beginning.

  2. ben Says:

    Boo-urns. Except that in some states a person can buy a full-auto if they jump through enough hoops and pay $14k or so.

  3. Huck Says:

    One would think that the media, who’s job is to be informed and thus inform us, would be as knowledgable on the subject as Officer Pyle. I believe that they are and that the media just chooses to lie about it. But what dos’nt the media lie about?

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    I know that place, it’s the cop range up the hill above our 200-yard range. 🙂

  5. John Paulding Says:

    Why are we even taking the effort to point this out? They don’t want assault rifles; they want semi-autos and full-autos. Just because they are calling the semis assault rifles doesn’t mean that that is what they are after.

    If you have a cow and I call it a horse then say that I want to ride your horse, saddle up your cow. This isn’t hard.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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