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in the tank

Zoiks: An unusual number of journalists from prominent, mainstream organizations started new government jobs in January, providing new kindling to the debate over whether Mr. Obama is receiving unusually favorable treatment in the news media.

4 Responses to “in the tank”

  1. emdfl Says:

    I’m afraid the remark I left over there may have been a little rude.

  2. B Smith Says:

    Wait, wait…there was some DEBATE about whether he was treated favorably by the media ????

  3. Windy Wilson Says:

    B. Smith.
    Of course. There is debate among the Mensa members in the media as to whether the media is being too hard on the fellow since he became President.

  4. B Smith Says:

    LOL Windy, yeah, I heard that. He came strolling down to the White House PRESS ROOM to have a smoke and a light chat with the proles. Then one of them asked him a question about some policy or other, and he got all snippy and huffed, “Look, I didn’t come down here to answer a bunch of QUESTIONS.”
    Priceless, and scary at the same time.

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