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$780B deal reached on stimulus

We’re screwed. Mind you, earlier reports noted how the senate’s phones were shut down due to all the calls from people opposing the bill. Yet, they did it anyway. Remember that.

13 Responses to “$780B deal reached on stimulus”

  1. guy Says:

    “Remember that.”

    Remember what? We live in a republic. We voted for these idiots and now we’re getting what we asked for, good and hard.

    I live in Wisconsin. For as long as I’ve been able to vote I’ve said my “representatives” and I have a perfect relationship: I’ve never voted for them and they never vote for me.

  2. gk Says:

    I’m with you uncle – we’re screwed. Keep track of who votes to pass the final bill and do what you can to vote them out next election. Unfortunately, that’s all you can do.

    Except bitch about it of course. Which I also do quite a bit of. I posted this on the same topic just before I read your post.

  3. Dan Says:

    The same scum will be voted in again, of course. I blame the moron voters that put them in there. One thing if a thief steals from you, another when you give them the keys to your house.

  4. Number9 Says:

    The race to become Britain begins.

    This was the change?

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    This is the same congress that voted for the huge “bailout” bill just days before an election, and suffered no ill will even though calls were 50-1 against.

    It’s cute to see the GOP pretend that they are the party of fiscal responsibility again.

  6. metulj Says:

    Well, are you willing for the free market to correct itself? No correcting this:

    The sounds you hear a guttural hoots and clicks.

  7. karrde Says:


    I don’t know whether the free market can correct it tomorrow, but it might be able to correct it in two years.

    However, I have a high degree of certainty that whatever it is that Obama and co. are doing, won’t correct that job loss, near-term or long-term.

  8. HTownTejas Says:

    “…earlier reports noted how the senate’s phones were shut down due to all the calls from people opposing the bill. Yet, they did it anyway. Remember that.”

    Those politicians are not allowed to bail anything out, as the Constitution does not grant them that power. What they are doing is not just fiscally negligent and in opposition to the wishes of those they serve, it is illegal. I’ll remember that as well.

  9. Number9 Says:

    It’s Bush’s fault. And Reagan. And Adam Smith. And the Austrian’s.

    Remember, only collectivism works. Only the government is smart enough to run business.

    Silly people believing in freedom.

    Of course the great clarification will be a World War where 150 million people die. Until we understand Keynes was wrong we are doomed to rinse and repeat.

    Screwed? More than you know.

    You will need this. And this.

  10. Number9 Says:

    It’s Bush’s fault. And Reagan. And Adam Smith. And the Austrian’s.

    Remember, only collectivism works. Only the government is smart enough to run business.

    Silly people believing in freedom.

    Of course the great clarification will be a World War where 150 million people die. Until we understand Keynes was wrong we are doomed to rinse and repeat.

    Screwed? More than you know.

  11. bob r Says:

    “Remember what? We live in a republic. We voted for these idiots and now we’re getting what we asked for, good and hard.”

    You seem to be implying that they possess some _authority_ to do this. Could you point out the _specific_ enumerated power or combination of _specific_ enumerated powers that would lead to this conclusion. I sure cannot.

    Start here. Stop there also.

  12. N.U.G.U.N. Says:

    That’s my argument against the anti-NRA’s people trashing them for not being harder on the Holder nomination.

    It’s becoming clear that election votes are the only times politicians will listen to citizens (and mostly so they know what bullcrap to feed them during the campaign)

  13. Les Jones Says:

    Whoops. Nancy Pelosi tricked metulj. That chart he posted is for absolute jobs uncorrected for population. Here’s a per capita chart showing that the current recession isn’t all that in terms of unemployment:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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