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We got some snow the other day. Me and Junior built a snowman:

From Kids

You’ll notice our snow man is sheriff. We should have built him a snow gun because it seems some outlaw snow men came by with a snow shotgun:

From Kids

4 Responses to “Snow”

  1. nk Says:

    Cute kid. Takes after her mother, huh?

  2. Huck Says:

    There was acually enough snow in that light dusting to make a snowman with? 🙂

  3. Paul B Says:

    Looks like the sheriff needs to get on the case.

    Nice kids.

  4. Kris Says:

    I’m still looking for the snow. I don’t really see much. Then again, you can’t say you have snow until there’s at least 6″ on the ground…of 16″ like here in MI

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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