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The Newsweek cover.

6 Responses to “Socialists”

  1. Nomen Nescio Says:

    newsweek: illiterate morons

  2. Dock Says:

    Jesus CHRIST.

  3. emdfl Says:

    Good to see the editors there have finally come out of the closet – or the party meeting as it were.

  4. liberal gun lover Says:

    I really thought it was a fake, but I just got it in the mail. Lets face it we have been socialists ever sense we started giving social security and medicare to very one who decided that they were to old to work. I’m pretty liberal about most things but I do feel that retirement is for people who have worked and saved enough to support them selves. If you are on social security and medicare you are not retied you are unemployed and should get a job. If we don’t want to live in a socialist country we need to cut these programs back to the people who really need them like the disabled.

  5. Number9 Says:

    Next stop, Britain.

  6. Gudis Says:

    I fixed it.

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