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Are 33% of us that dumb?

67% trust their own judgment more than congress. I wonder why. Oh, yeah that.

4 Responses to “Are 33% of us that dumb?”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Up to 33% now? Our Marxist mind control efforts are working better than I thought!
    Uncle, I see you have an ad for our movie, “W.” right here in the margin, so even you’re helping us! Our efforts are really working better than I thought. We own America.”

  2. MichigammeDave Says:

    And yet, the people most of us don’t trust continue to be elected, and re-elected, by… most of us?
    Maybe it’s all the booze I drank back in the day, or maybe it’s the drugs I took in college (and beyond), but there’s something here I just don’t understand.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    Naw, mDave, you understand it. Everyone agrees they should all be turned out, except their guy who brings them stolen monies and promises more. It’s called greed.

    I bet you understand it just fine.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    If all jurisdictions got to vote in all elections, none of them would win reelection. Because we would all vote to get rid of the other guy’s thief, even while we voted to keep our own. Greed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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