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HR 45

Dead with no co-sponsors and now back. Coverage at ESPN:

To many gun owners, it’s the tsunami of gun control legislation, the mother of all efforts to restrict private gun ownership and the guarantees of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

To others, it’s just the latest anti-gun agitation, a formerly defeated proposal dredged back up for another try in this time of shifting political winds.

“It” is H.R. 45: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. This bill was introduced in the 111th Congress by U. S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) on Jan. 6, 2009. Failing to attract any co-sponsors, it was referred for consideration to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where it now rests awaiting further action.

This bill is sweeping in its gun control proposals. Its summary description reads, “To provide for the implementation of a system for licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.”

If enacted, this bill would prohibit anyone from owning any type of handgun without obtaining a license for such ownership. The same would be true for any semiautomatic firearm that can accept any detachable ammunition-feeding device.

In other news, ESPN does outdoors?

2 Responses to “HR 45”

  1. GUNowner Says:

    Why is it that the Democrats hate the second amendment so much? Its because that one amendment stands in their way of total control of all of us. Every democrat I have ever met seems to think they know how we should all live, that their way is best for all.
    Look at what they have given us, Taxes on our income which is actually slavery, they gave our ability to print/coin our own money to the Federal Reserve which if you check it out you will find they are a bunch of private banks. They got us into WW1, WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam war. They FORCED through “Selective Service” our kids to battle and got many many more of them killed than George Bush ever did.
    They increased the size of goverment to tyranical proportions, in 1933 they stole all our gold. The gold in fort knox is owned by the Federal Reserve not the citizens of the united States of America, even though it was ours to begin with. They give our hard earned money away to people too lazy to work. They took prayer out of school to make us into a godless society. (madeline murray o’hare and son did get their just payback though). Most demo’s are athiests!
    They call the uSA a “democracy” when we actually started out as a “constitutional republic”, say the pledge of allegience,it does not say “to the democracy for which we stand” does it? Abortion kills more lives than my guns ever will. Socialism, communism, democrats are all the same thing.

  2. GT Smith Says:

    Rumor is spreading like wildfire that this Blair Holt bill is included in the gigantic stimulus package. Anybody know anything about that?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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